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openDBL hosts its first summer school


Politecnico di Milano and the openDBL consortium have organized the 1st openDBL summer school as a part of the Master BIM Manager for Construction Works on 21st July 2023. This summer school not only offered students the opportunity to continue to expand their knowledge on BIM, but it also helped them to explore new areas of innovations taking place in the building industry.

This summer school was a focused one-day program on the practical implementation of digital transformation in the building industry. It was a great support to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and industrial implementation. The topics included here are a general introduction to the openDBL project, Use Cases and business needs, Data Models and IDM, from BIM to VR BIM, Artificial Intelligence, Platform and API, Mobile App, Scientific Dissemination, Social Media Training, etc. Through the coursework of summer school students could accelerate their learning and complete advanced coursework. This can be particularly beneficial for students looking to gain a competitive edge.

The summer school took place remotely and was open to all European students.  To offer even more flexibility in terms of scheduling and course options, Digiotouch’s MOOC platform will host all the lecture videos. This can be advantageous for students who have other commitments during the school year or want to explore non-traditional learning opportunities.  

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